We are proud to unveil CitySwift’s new visual identity as part of the ongoing evolution of our brand and our support towards a dynamic, optimised and sustainable future of mobility.
Over the past two years, we have seen a significant shift in the way the world moves due to compounding crises such as climate change and the Covid19 pandemic. Cities worldwide have become more congested, travel patterns have changed, the cost of living has increased and sustainability is now a key issue of the political agenda.
Yet in the face of great uncertainty, these shifts have presented us with an exciting opportunity. The public transport industry has had to rethink its traditional ways of operating and shift its focus from supply to demand in order to optimise networks for the future – and we believe mobility intelligence is the key to these efficient and optimised networks.
Given the many challenges and changes the public transport industry has faced over the past two years, we knew the time was right to innovate and embrace a brand identity that captures who we really are today. This new brand identity reflects CitySwift’s core values, vision and unwavering commitment to our partners.
Since we first launched in 2016, we’ve undergone a tremendous period of growth and continue to evolve as a company. From humble beginnings to launching the world's first “Mobility Intelligence as a Service” platform, we’ve since developed a much stronger sense of who we are and what we believe in. And to truly scale and support the long term growth of our customers, we knew it was time to create a brand identity that better aligned with the values we provide to our customers, community and environment.
So without further ado, here’s a little look into our brand new identity.

The new hexagon
We chose a new logo that reflects a more modern and dynamic look but retains the core elements to stay recognisable. The hexagon has now evolved along with our company, symbolising our journey from an unknown start-up to an established, trusted enterprise solution.

The hexagon is significant to CitySwift’s brand identity as it represents the data science behind our MIaaS platform. Within the boundaries of this new and improved hexagon, you'll also see the letters C and S to represent CitySwift and a subtle route to symbolise our connection to public transport. Our logo is completed with a hexagonal shaped punctuation to show our commitment to complete every action towards our vision.
A strong, geometric font
Modern, approachable, dynamic - these were the three characteristics we focused on when it came to deciding a new typeface. When we came across Baj Jamjuree by Cadson Demak, we instantly knew this was our winner.

To make it memorable and unique to CitySwift, we made minor font modifications by using hexagon dots and joining letters to represent neatly optimised routes. To communicate our approachability and accessibility to customers, we opted for a lowercase typeface to project this.
Vibrant, fresh, and youthful: our new colour palette
Our new colour palette represents the team behind CitySwift. Fueled by passion and driven by ambition, the variations of blue and purple symbolise our leadership, transparency and trustworthiness in the industry.
We’ve selected the green as our primary logo colour to centre our new brand identity around sustainability in support of a greener, cleaner future of mobility. It also gives a subtle nod to CitySwift’s Irish origins too!

What’s next for CitySwift?
From today, you’ll start to see our branding roll out across our new website and social media channels. Over the coming weeks, we’ll be showcasing a number of product updates, including movement pattern analysis for optimising frequency, and a range of dashboards delivering brand new insights across transport provider organisations. These new products will help public transport networks to drive more people to choose public transportation over private car use.
If you’re interested in learning more about how CitySwift’s Mobility Intelligence as a Service platform can help your organisation use data to prepare now for the future of mobility, contact us today.